In the old times every house had such toilets, today you can still see it in some gardens. This picture was taken at the place where Khádi has a house being built. The workers built this for their own needs...
Régebben a házak udvarán mindenhol volt ilyen mellékhelyiség, néhány háznál még most is megtaláljuk. Ez a kép a társasházunk építésénél készült. A kőművesek építették maguknak:)
Autrefois toutes les maisons avaient de tels "lieux d'aisance", de nos jours on peut encore en voir dans certains jardins. Cette photo a été prise sur le chantier de la maison de Khádi. Les ouvriers ont construit cela pour leurs propres besoins...
We call these structures, "Privy" or "Outhouse" where I live. My wife and I have been married for over 52 years and when we first were married we had one of these outside. We had no indoor plumbing. We had a hand pump outside to pump water to drink. When I had time, I made a new Privy for my family. Still later, I had a modern bathroom put in the house and real hot and cold running water. It was a big improvement. It is all different now.
it had never seen a toilet like this
I'm not that old, but remember when I was younger going into a few of these. I know someone who digs for old bottles and antiques and if the outhouse is old, he likes to dig them up to find lots of treasures. People used to throw stuff in the outhouse when they wanted to get rid of it. It's a dirty job, and I'm glad he's doing it, not me. LOL.
My grandparents farm had a "double seater" outhouse. It was the only one I've seen like that, most are only one seaters. They had modernized their farmhouse though, and had an indoor bathroom with avacodo green tub, sink, and toilet. And, their two seater outhouse was retired.
I'd only read of these before. It's an interesting pic.
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