August 26, 2008

Justice for Hungary

A graffiti on a gate in Nagyváradi street.

Ein Tor in der Nagyváradi Straße. Gar nicht klein.

No comment! Kapu a Nagyváradi utcában.

Une inscription sur une clôture dans la rue Nagyváradi.


Jane Hards Photography said...

I'm amazed at the differance you get in graffiti around the world. The plain wierd to political statements.

Kris McCracken said...

Justice over what? I’m intrigued...

Elise said...

Kris, this article may give you a good hint.

Kris McCracken said...

I am familiar with the present dispute with Slovakia, but didn’t really realise how poorly the Kingdom of Hungary fared at the end of World War 1. All of the involved parties really did make a mess out of the post-war settlement, didn’t they? Thanks for following up on my question.