April 9, 2008


Today, we can feel the spring in Pilisvörösvár : the sun is shining and the trees are blooming. Finally!

Ma gyönyörű időnk van Pilisvörösváron. Süt a nap és virágoznak a fák. Igazi tavaszi hangulat.

Aujourd'hui flotte un air de printemps sur Pilisvörösvár : le soleil brille et les arbres sont en fleurs. Enfin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, if I had to choose an unusual post that really made me feel good, this one would be it.

Please, whatever you do, don't visit my blog today (Wednesday) as I lost my mind, I think owing to medicine from my hospital stay, and posted some really gross stuff. I certainly don't want to spoil your day.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio