December 18, 2007

Short day - Long day


We have had a long day today, and made a lot of photos. This one is the first we wanted to show, many others will come. Will you guess from today's picture who's day was short?

Hosszú napunk volt és rengeteg képet készítettünk. Ez az első kép, de a többiből is fogunk még mutatni egy párat. Szerintetek mi van a képen?

Nous avons eu une longue journée, et avons fait beaucoup de photos. Celle-ci est la première que nous voulions montrer, mais d'autres viendront. Devinerez-vous d'après cette photo pour qui la journée a été courte ?


Joao Augusto Aldeia said...

It seems to be animal bladders. Poor animals.

Unknown said...

Well, seeing as I already guessed right once I'd guess "pig" and hope to be wrong this time... don't really wanna be known as an expert of animal internals, you see ;)

alice said...

Je pense que ce sont les cochons qui ont trouvé leur journée courte mais sans être bien sûre, étrange photo...Bonne soirée!

Elise said...

Erik, you are for sure an expert on animal internals! Seems that it was not so difficult, and Alice also found the answer... Today was pig's slaughter day, long but very interesting day, especially for me as it was my first time...
Alice, oui, ce sont les cochons...

Joao Augusto Aldeia said...

And does the European Union let it be as the traditional way? Because in Portugal the authorities are forbidding it.

Elise said...

J.A., to answer your question, we asked the authorities, and were told it's perfectly legal. We were pretty sure, since it's done here every year by a lot of people. I looked for an European text of law, and only found the Council Directive 93/119/CEE, according to which each state can authorize "home slaughter" when the animal is first stunned and used only for personal consumption. Which was the case here.