June 16, 2009


Not too much to tell about this photo! Just a sunny sunday afternoon in Iskola utca (school street).

June 15, 2009

Corpus Christi flower carpet

Sunday was celebrated the Corpus Christi, and like every year a beautiful flower carpet was made for the procession in the four streets surrounding the church.

June 9, 2009

Buli with Donau Power

Summer is coming slowly and with it the parties or "buli" in Müller Café. Sunday's party was a success and our friends from Donau Power are not strangers to it.
We have been away from this blog for a long time now, it is difficult to find the time every day for so long. We want to thank all of our readers for their support, every comment or email that we get is a great motivation for us (Bianca this photo is for you ;). We will try to get going for a while, if not daily, in the most regular way we can. Sorry for my bad English, writing in a foreign language is also a reason why it takes me so much time!