September 1, 2008

Theme day : sister cities

Here is a photo of Russenbrücke in Gröbenzell, German sister city of Pilisvörösvár. We did not take this photo, we found it on the net under GNU free doc. licence. We are willing to do a photo of Gröbenzell ourselves : we are just waiting for an invitation ;)

Voici une photo de Gröbenzell, ville allemande jumelle de Pilisvörösvár. Elle n'est pas de nous, nous n'attendons qu'une invitation pour en prendre une nous même ;).

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Anonymous said...

2 cities I didn't know of before.

USelaine said...

I like the style of that bridge. Good choice! Maybe if you invite them first... 8^)